четвъртък, 27 декември 2018 г.

Промяна на линк на лого за отделен стил в T3 на Joomla - Customize T3 tempalte style

  1. I cloned (Save as a copy) the "Position & Responsive Configuration" as "default-content-left-ksb
  2. Then in local/tpls/default-content-left-ksb.php I changed <?php $this->loadBlock('header') ?> to <?php $this->loadBlock('header-ksb') ?>
  3. Duplicated purity_iii/tpls/blocks/header.php to purity_iii/local/tpls/blocks/header-ksb.php
  4. In it I Changed <a href="<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>"> to <a href="the-link-I-want" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
However I am still confused because I am 99.9% sure that before I did this without steps 1 to 3.
There was a file where I just put the link I wanted (step 4)
Then after the last update of Purity 3 (December 2018) the logo again redirected to the Homepage but the backup from the server was not old enough to check ...

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