четвъртък, 7 януари 2016 г.

Removing ID from URL to create SEF read more Joomla links


If you set up a native Joomla blog page recently (I did this on Joomla 3.3.6), and tried to use the read more button built in, you may have noticed something annoying.  The URL shows up as the slug instead of just the alias.  For example, say this page was the 56th article I've written, and the alias is "removing-id-from-url-to-create-sef-read-more-joomla-links".

I have this set up to show up on something like:
Instead of that, it shows up as:

I did not want that 56 there, did I?  As far as I'm concerned, it's 3 characters against my SEO goals of having good SEF links throughout my site, and thus, it unquestionably has to go.
Removing this is actually really easy for someone who has access to the site source code, otherwise, this is much harder.  You can go out and download some SEF/SEO extension off the JED that I'm sure can solve your problem, but I'm not going to go out there and test these all out for you, check out OSTraining, they do a lot of comparisons, they may have done a Joomla SEO Extension comparison for you to look at.
My solution is a simple copy paste solution.  You have to add one input field into the core of your application to fix this.  I HATE updating the core manually.  You should avoid this whenever possible, but sometimes it's the easiest solution.  The alternative is setting up a plugin to do this, but my solution is much quicker.  Although, updating the core means that any time you update Joomla to the latest version, the core will be updated, and your changes - erased.  This means you'll have to put this code back into your site manually.  As a developer, I shudder every time I hear the word "manually".

Anyway, here's what you do, open administrator/com_content/config.xml and add the following snippet in the beginning of the fieldset named "articles" before the field named "article_layout".
I took a screenshot for you guys, just in case:

Now go to your article options, and select Yes to the new "SEF Advanced Mode" option you added at the top.  I gave you guys a screenshot for this too:


Save and go refresh your page, you should be able to click your Read More button and find a fresh SEF rule adhering url :)
I want to thank the folks at developernote.com, it took me a while to find the solution, but their post helped solve the problem.  Here's the link to the article: http://developernote.com/2012/05/how-to-remove-id-from-url-in-joomla-2-5/
Comedically enough, after writing this I decided to go with a blogging extension solution that was reccomended to me, EasyBlog by StackIdeas.  They handle this SEF for you, and provide you with some additional functionality, if you're interested in that sort of thing. ;)
If you found this post really really helpful, and you're as thankful as I am when I find useful stuff on the internet, feel free to share.

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