неделя, 28 декември 2014 г.

Removing Ozio Gallery made with ❤ by joomla.it

Here a guy explained how to remove Ozio Gallery footer Ozio Gallery made with ❤ by joomla.it


Olli Levijärvi explained how to do it in version 3, but to make it work you dont have to unzip it first, but just open the file directly from the ZIP archive and than update it.
Removing the OzioGallery footer
When Ozio Gallery is used within Joomla pages, the component displays a footer
OzioGallery2 by Joomla.it
If you search the source, you will not find the text as it is encoded (with base 64) within
1. Use http://ostermiller.org/calc/encode.html to decode the encoding in the css file.
2. Then remove the text that is not wanted and encode again.
3. Then paste it back to the css file, replacing the original text.
Note: For OzioGallery3, the folder structure seems to have changed. The ozio.css file for OzioGallery3 is located within the folder "administrator\components\com_oziogallery3\assets\css".

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