сряда, 11 януари 2012 г.

Виртуална клавиатура (кирилизатор) за phpbb2

WebKBD е превключвател на клавиатурни подредби за браузъри. Можете да го поставите на своя сайт, позволявайки на потребителите си, които нямат настроена кирилизация на компютрите си, да пишат на кирилица. Идеята за WebKBD идва от Kredor Уеб-клавиатури, но WebKBD има значителни подобрения.


Installing WebKBD is very easy:
Download the WebKBD javascript and put it somewhere on your server:
WebKBD v1.2 Bulgarian Phonetic (BP) and BDS (BG)
WebKBD v1.2 French (FR)
WebKBD v1.2 Greek (EL)
WebKBD v1.2 Russian Phonetic (RP) and Standard (RU)
WebKBD v1.2 Spanish (ES)
WebKBD v1.2 Ukrainian Phonetic (UP) and Standard (UK)
WebKBD v1.2 ZIP with all languages

Include the WebKBD javascript in your page.
Copy and paste the following code snippet just before your </head> tag:

Adjust the name and path to the script as necessary. 
<script type="text/javascript" src="webkbd.Bulgarian.js"></script>

Add the WebKBD layout switcher to your page.
Copy and paste the following code snippet where you want the switcher to appear:
<!-- WebKBD switcher start -->
<a class="webkbd-switcher" style="font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; padding: 2px 8px; border: 1px solid black; text-decoration: none;" href="http://code.ppetrov.com/webkbd/" onclick="return webkbd.switcherClicked(event);">WebKBD</a>
<!-- WebKBD switcher end -->

Note 1: You can put more than one switcher on a page if you want.
Note 2: You can tweak the 'style' attribute if you want. If you modify any other attribute, the switcher won't work.